" ... Blogs and bloggers have come under the microscope once again but for the most part the people complaining haven't the faintest idea what blogging is all about, to the point that it's almost embarrassing...
... There are millions of blogs and some of the most interesting ones are those written by people who are, for example, cancer survivors who write about how they cope with everyday life and people who live in war zones like Iraq who give literally an insider’s view of the conflict...
... The wonderful thing about blogging is that it allows an individual to give voice to their thoughts when there are few other avenues available. Some of these thoughts are not necessarily positive and it has always mystified me why people complain about “political” bloggers who generally can make very erudite comments about national issues, and then say nothing about the fascist and racist bloggers who write under the guise of religion ..."
Good kick-in-the-ass one, Marina. Those unexperienced, miseducated wailers and bull-shit crappers in the Parliament should go for a crash-course on blogging instead of pointing their bullshit-laden fingers to us bloggers in general. I don't like being involve in politics, but when it comes to politics ripping at my rights to WRITE A JOURNAL ON THE NET, that is something I won't tolerate.
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