As the note wavers...
playing the saxaphone...
the times when we do sectionals (and lepak!) near the junior science lab...
the hot scorching sun during every harsh 3 hour march practices...
the chicken rice and red bean buns after every performance...
the muscles built up from all the pumpings given (even up to 100 in one practice!)...
bullying the seniors and getting bullied back...
polishing instruments the night before performances...
marching up tall, bold and strong while puffing away down the road during City Day parades...
looking up at the conductor (Madam Yap, Sophia, Azie...whoever la), waiting for the drop of the wand to start the music as one...
shouting, screaming answers to commands...
practicing formations in the haunted STS school hall...
anticipating marching commands from the placing of Voon's mace.
On top of all...
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