At the cost of seeing
Learnt a very painful lesson the past 2 days.
Always look at the switches when you switch on any lights.
Especially when you are working in a sterile cabinet using UV lights.
And with a direct exposure again.
I had to suffer 2-3 days of painful eyes (google up Photokeratitis), thinking that I was going blind when I first woke up from an hour nap at night after working in the lab that afternoon.
Suddenly had this painful cloudy vision from BOTH eyes which freaked me out, forced me to quickly wash my eyes with Optrex (painfully) to get rid of the cloudy vision (which didn't work), quickly putting icy compressions on my eyes (thinking hopefully it will reduce the inflammation) and sms-ing Michael to bring me to a doctor at 11pm at night.
Luckily it's just 'abrasions on the cornea surface' that will heal in a few days.
What if it was ulcers? Or cataracts? Bloody hell... How would I even finished my semester later??
I feel like a dog with dry-eyes, submitting myself to the circle regime of eyedrops, eye ointments and the fluorescein test.
And my project had to be postponed to another day... ARGHhhhHHHHhhhhhh....
The stupidity in me...
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