In the face of adversity
Daily assignments, weekly presentations, daily sarcasms and criticisms, depressing tests, replacement lectures on weekends, crazy biased lecturers and clinicians, weird sleep timings...
That's when in final year, the real side of some people start to show up, the evil a.k.a. alter ego side. Some people start to be snobbish, start to be bossy and irritating, SELFISH is the word of the day.
I feel like saying "Fuck YOU" and wave the middle finger in front of them. Nice to see their reaction similar to being slapped on the face. *evil grin*
I just don't understand of the stupid attitude of these people. They prefer to take and take and take, but never give. No matter how hard I tried to be nice and give as much as I can for the benefit of all, COOPERATION was NEVER in their mind. And at the end of the day, I'll be the one to be blamed, not themselves.
I feel like knocking their heads with a rock, "COME ON! If I'm not there to help you, then who else will be doing it?!? You your ownself said you cannot do it, and yet when I did help but something do turn out wrong at your own fault, you still blame me?!?!
Even people who were close to me were surprised when I blew my top off yesterday. That shows how much patience I have until someone decided," Oh! Why not I step on her head? She won't mind anyway".
Fuck you bitch. Wake up! You think you can boss me around? So this is your real attitude har??! No wonder people start to complain about you of all people! So you think you are as smart then ha, as smart as the lecturers and clinicians? Then explain to me, smart-ass, why do you still ended up repeating some of the classes we all managed to score high grades ha?
It's just no use talking to this kind of people. It's just like banging the rock on an empty tong sampah, smell of rotten fish. What I want is a final year to remember the good times for, not idiots like this.
RAWr... Hrrmph...
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