So ... what is this?

It's a WEBLOG ... DUH!

It''s a Trash Can Blog where all you can find here are quips and blah blahs thrown from a person kicked to the other side of Malaysia, only to play with dogs, cats, lembu(s), kambing(s) etc ...

This particular blog is also a part-time photoblog.

And yes, this is a sequelae of the Friendster blog.

Me ... d' goreng

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This is Leo the Roaring Tuah

She's a tiny blur dot that hails from from Kuching and is currently thrown into the alien world of veterinary medicine 'over the sea'. She likes to trash around with the bits and pieces in this thing called life.

Being blue is part of her culture. (blue shirt, blue bed sheets, blue mind @_@)

If you are one of those idiots whom ambik hati (english translation: eat every word she said) with what she craps around here, read this.     

So piss off!

Recent Crackpots
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Links to Other Crackpots Like Me

Archibald's A Life Less Ordinary

Arlyne's A Revelation

Aurelia's Blog

Azelea's Got Style

Cliff's A Cup of Tea

Crystal's Hmm...

Davies's The Adventures of ZeroGravity

Debo's Where is My Poodle?!

Dogathon 2007's Blog Roll

Eve's Welcome to my Life

Feli May's I Say...

Feli Kuek's Wacky Crazy Me

Jas Sia's Remnants of Shattered Memories

Jenn Vaz's Blog

Kim Bosiwang's Simple Things

Mark Hiew's Anything to Everything

We Sell Virtual Squid

Nai Lin's Dancing 2 "D" Beat

Naomi's One Voice

Rach Chew's Ruminations

San Ahip's Blog

San Wong's Finding Peace

Sarah's Tales from Upriver and Chinatown

Stef Yeo's Maze

My Younger Sis's Blog

My Old Friendster Blog (Trashing On Life I)

Links to Elsewhere

affliated with ...

SMB St. Teresa Kuching

St. Teresa's School Band Blog

Matriculation College of Labuan

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM

Zoologico's Official Homepage

Official Dogathon 2005 'Who Let the Dogs Out?!' Homepage

Dogathon 2007's Blog Rolling on

reading these people's blogs ....

Kenny Sia's

Peter Tan's The Digital Awakening

Wuan's Point & Shoot - The World Through My Eyes (Photoblog)

Malaysian Education Critics

other thingies ...

Knowing more about Catholicism

Googlize it the Malaysian way

Neopets Mania


The Evil Happy Tree Friends

Malaysian Idol Fever

New Straits Time Malaysia

The Star

Cari Anything (A Malaysian Search Engine)

Laughing your ass off with stupid Funny Junks

Kill yourself with this Cute OVERLOAD!!!


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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Youch... This is painful...

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Life: Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accounts for how
satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happy you are. The quiz attempts to
put a number on the summation of all of these things, based on your answers.
Your life score leaves room for improvement. You can make changes to improve your trouble areas, and this will bring you greater satisfaction. Focus on your weakest points and set about to change them. Do not delay your happiness and success. (Read more on
improving your life)

Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity, ability, and health. Higher scores
indicate an advancement in knowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and pure thought
free of interference.
Your mind score is not bad, but could be improved upon. Your mental health is not weak, but you are not achieving full mental clarity and function. Learn how to unclutter your mind. Keep learning, keep improving, continue moving forward.
Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the mind.

Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, and general wellness. A healthy
body contributes to a happy life, however many of us are lacking in this area.
Your body score is fairly average, which means there is room for improvement. Keep a focus on your physical health. Protect your body as it is your most valuable physical asset. Nutrition, stress reduction, and exercise are key.
Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the body.

Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number that elusive quality which
is found in your faith, your attitude, and your philosophy on life. A higher score indicates
a greater sense of inner peace and balance.
Your spirit score is dramatic. Continue on your path, do not stray. Continue to reap the rewards which your spirituality brings forth.
Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving the spirit.

Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures your relationships with those
around you, and is based on how large, healthy, and dependable your social network is.
Your friends and family score suffers, yet it does not need to be this way. Strengthen your social network by reaffirming old bonds. Seek out new friendships, and they will provide you the reward you need. Try using to find people near you who share your interests.

Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romantic situation. Sharing your
heart with another person is one of life's most glorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences.
Your love score is very low, indicating trouble. There is love out there for you. Seek the advice of wise people on how to go about finding it. Do not lose hope.
Read advice from other quiz-takers on finding and maintaining love.

Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your current financial health and
Your financial score indicates some trouble. Raise your score over time by making changes which will lead to greater prosperity in the future. Be sure to live within your means today.
Read advice from other quiz-takers on improving your finances.

Yikes , never knew my love life could be in danger. To hell you Valentine commercialism!


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