Yesterday, I've realized something...
If you try stepping on a wasp (with shoes on lar!) very hard, it'll give out this bursting *popping* sound like stepping on a small air-filled plastic bubble.
I was walking up the stairs in Jabatan Sains Haiwan, trailing behind one of the staff when he suddenly delibrately stepped on something (I didn't realize it was a wasp until later) which gives this echo-ic *pop*. He looked back and sniggered, saying "Nanti benda ni serang orang lain..." and he pointed at this huge big black-yellow stripey ass of a tebuan.
I tried stepping on a bee, but ended up with a sick squishy sound and a black gooey mess beneath my sandal...
Sorry! My Yahoo bandwidth exceeded it's limit, so you can't see the video of Sharmini (my cosmate) 'torturing' a calf's ear...
Dogathon was incredible! Imagine 1500 people coming with huge bunches of dogs (some even bring 4!) eventhough Serdang's air reached around API 150. Even the first dog (his name is Itchy...don't ask why, I myself don't know) that participate for the first Dogathon even came...though the reason he's there is more for the food...
I'll elaborate more on Dogathon and upload pics later... The strain of a straight 2-weeks of exams right after Dogathon, last minute studying and the haze is immuno-suppressing my body. I'll continue after my flu and toothache clears up.
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